Your Guide to Business Success

GCE and The Shift Spot™ Join Forces

Where Visionaries Go to Make Radical Shifts in Business and in Life!

Why The Shift Spot™ Was Created



GCE has been helping businesses that implement EOS® with their Fractional Integrator Services, HR, Sales and Recruiting for years. Through our time and experience working alongside visionaries, one thing became abundantly clear: there is a major need for business owners to grow both professionally and personally. So, we wanted to help beyond our offered services.

The Shift Spot™ is a CEO coaching and peer advisory community and the place where visionaries go to make radical shifts in business and in life! This is a safe, confidential place for like-minded individuals to share ideas, strategize, network, and level up while finding balance in their professional and personal worlds.

There isn't one coach or expert that can solve all your problems, so The Shift Spot™ packaged them all in one easy online community for you for a fraction of the cost!


Who Can Benefit From The Shift Spot™?

The Shift Spot™ was created for YOU, the visionary community/business owners who feel burnt out, tired of wearing all the hats, and see the potential in their business but don't know how to grow in a way that makes sense.

The Shift Spot™ is for the business owner and visionary who knows it's time to make a shift and wants to see their business and personal life grow and improve. 

If your business is experiencing any obstacles on the right, The Shift Spot™ can help.


What Are The Benefits of A Shift Spot Membership?


What Business Owner Couldn’t Benefit From The Shift Spot™?

Because The Shift Spot™ was created with business owners and visionaries in mind, we have packed this peer community with benefits you'll feel and SEE in your life and business. We focus on the core areas of your business and life that can take you from where you are to where you want to go. When you sign on with the Shift Spot™, you are signing up to

  • Gain better leadership and management

  • Hire better employees and enhance existing staff

  • Improve your sales and marketing strategies

  • Increase your business's finances

  • Create better systems and processes

  • Restore balance in your personal and professional life

So, can your business afford not to work with The Shift Spot™?



“I LOVE THE SHIFT SPOT™! The ideas and innovation that come out of this group are incredible! As a business owner, I have a new issue every hour, so having real-time issue support from experts and colleagues has been invaluable. I got an awesome idea from one of the meetings that helped me increase my bottom line during a pinch. I am taking all the right actions now to fully empower (or replace) my team, so the weight of this business isn't on my shoulders.”

- Gez A., Owner Medical Center & Laboratory


"The Shift Spot™ clearly knows what they are doing. If you are in a place where you have plateaued, are looking for a way out of the hamster wheel, and are ready to finally work on your business instead of in your business, I highly recommend you give The Shift Spot™ a try. You won’t regret it!"

- Ed Johnson, Photography Business Owner


"Many business owners can't commit financially or timewise to programs like Vistage and EO, and this provides a solution for them to have access to top-notch experts in the core areas hindering their growth. If you are ready to take control of your business, The Shift Spot™ is for you."

- Steve B., Super Connector & Owner HomeTown Mortgage


Discover More

GCE is confident in the value The Shift Spot™ brings to business owners to improve their professional and personal lives and is proud to join forces to help businesses and the people behind them propel forward.

If you'd like to learn more, click here or book a call to chat about this life-changing community.